Mediainfo command lineMediaInfo

MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. The MediaInfo data display includes: Container: format, profile, commercial name of the format, duration, overall bit rate. MediaInfo installed malware/spyware/browser hijack called on my computer without warning when I did an upgrade to the current version and used the 'express install' method. Maybe if I had selected 'custom install,' it might have given me the option to de-select this malware that took me over an hour to get rid of (add/remove programs.

MediaInfoOnline allows you to use MediaInfo in your browser without installing any software on your computer. Your information is kept safe because everything stays on your machine (nothing is uploaded to our servers).

MediaInfoOnline is provided for now as a technology preview, please contact us if you find an error or if you have suggestions.

To get metadata of your files simply drag and drop a file in the box below and the MediaInfo report will be displayed in a few seconds.

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MediaBin allow you to share your MediaInfo report.

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MediaInfo report of ' :

Mediainfo Lite

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