The Sky Go app is a brilliant service by Sky for no extra money per month that lets you watch everything on the go but what do you when you encounter error code PFE 9004?
Per MAC clicca su Sky Go nella barra in alto e premi il tasto su Esci da Sky Go. (In alternativa puoi spegnere o riavviare il tuo device) Se riaprendo l’app Sky Go l’errore persiste verifica che il tuo dispositivo rispetti i requisiti minimi necessari per il funzionamento dell’app Sky Go cliccando qui. Find out how many devices you can register on Sky Go, and how to view or remove registered devices.
You can watch all your favourites while on the commute or travelling for leisure, in fact, you’ll never be bored again with the Sky Go app giving you endless hours of content.
The best part is that, unlike Netflix, there is no monthly subscription cost if you are already a member of Sky!
We highly recommend giving Sky Go a try. And if you encounter the error code PFE 9004 then you can use the rest of this article to help you out. Read on to discover the likely cause of this error and how to solve it quickly.
You’ll encounter this error if you have been trying to watch or download a show or a film and it’s encountered a glitch somewhere in the process.
There are a number of basic things you can try to solve this error. We hope these solutions get the app back on track and allow you to download everything you want to in no time.
So we’ll start with the classic reboot, restart, uninstall and reinstall before you need to try the lengthier process of changing your network or getting into diagnostics.
A specific cause that has been cited in relation to the Sky Go PFE 9004 error code is parental control settings.
Head over to your network settings and ensure that parental controls are turned ‘off’, this sure enable you to carry on using Sky Go without a hitch.
Alternatively, your network might be set to ‘public’ and that could be causing the issue, so to change your network to private by following the steps below.
You can run the DirectX Diagnostic tool to give you detailed information about what might be going on and relay that information to us so we can give you better advice on what to do next.
To get started, click the Start menu and type “dxdiag”. Press Enter to open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool and follow the instructions. Then give us a call on 0800 433 7963 or send us a message on our Facebook page and we will do our best to help you out with this error code.
Since 2006, Sky’s on-demand and live TV service, Sky Go, has been around. The app means that you can enjoy your favourite Sky TV shows on the go at no extra cost.
Whether you’re on a plane or catching the train, Sky Go is always available at just a click of a button.
However, even some of the best apps can have a glitch or two and Sky Go users have reported experiences of a lot of error codes.
Here’s what to do if you’re seeing the Sky error code ‘pfe 12000’…
There are a few reasons that the Sky Go error code ‘pfe 12000’ can occur.
The following steps should get your Sky Go error code fixed in no time.
If you’re still experiencing issues with your digital device then don’t hesitate to contact Digi Helpdesk on 0800 433 7963.
Sky Go error codes can be avoided to a degree but there will be technical hitches when using all sorts of streaming services.
For the Sky TV app to work optimally you’ll need to have a good quality internet connection to start with as well any many other specs which can be found online here for various operating systems.